Chanda Hahn

She uses her experience as a children's pastor, children's librarian and bookseller to write compelling and popular fiction for teens. She was born in Seattle, WA, grew up in Nebraska and currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their twin children, Aiden and Ashley.
Author's Comment: I love coffee. Cold and chocolatey is my preferred method of consumption. I'm fascinated by Christian Bale and may have a small crush on him. But not Christian in the scary movies. I'm talking Christian Bale in Newsies and Reign of Fire. I also love books, but hate cracked spines, dog eared pages and I loathe to even put a highlighter to my Bible. Thank goodness, for iPads. I would love to one day write a classic that sits on everyone's shelf. A book that lasts the test of time. If I could hang out with another author for one day it would be Meg Cabot! The next book on my to be read list is Gail Carriger's Ettiquette and Espionage Series. I have no pets, though I used to own an American Eskimo and she would wear a lil pink hoody around the house. My kids are my world. (yes, I need to expand my world a bit.) I like dressing up and making outfits for Renaissance Faires. And I've been directing Kids Musicals now going on 14 years.
Nationality: American