Just Disgusting!

by Andy Griffiths (Author) Terry Denton (Illustrator)

Book Cover for Just Disgusting!

   Book 5   
Pages: 176

Just Disgusting! is the fifth book in the Just! series. It contains nine stories on various disgusting topics. Is this the right book for you?

Take the DISGUSTING TEST and find out.

1. Do you do any-or all-of the following: pick your nose, talk in burps or wee in swimming pools?
2. Do you ever wear the same undies two (or more) days in a row?
3. Do you wish you knew the most disgusting thing in the world?
4. Do you think brussel sprouts are a delicious mouth watering treat?
5. Do you like stories about dead flies, giant slugs and mysterious brown blobs?

SCORE: One point for each 'yes' answer. 3-5 You are completely and utterly disgusting. You will love this book. 1-2 You are fairly disgusting. You will love this book. 0 You are a disgusting liar. You will love this book.

Recognition: Canberra's Own Outstanding List (COOL) Awards for Section 3 Fiction for Older Readers (2003), Books I Loved Best Yearly (BILBY) Awards for Younger Readers (2004)

Just Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Just
Reading level: 7+
Books in series: 8
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: comedy & humour  illustrated  family 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Just Tricking!  (1997)
2.   Just Annoying!  (1998)
3.   Just Stupid!  (1999)
4.   Just Crazy!  (2000)
5.   Just Disgusting!  (2002)
6.   Just Shocking!  (2007)
7.   Just Macbeth!  (2009)
8.   Just Doomed!  (2012)