The Final Battle

by Stuart Daly (Author)

Book Cover for The Final Battle

   Book 3   
Pages: 214

Can one boy's actions change the course of a war?

Andalon is at war, and Caspan and his friends find themselves in the thick of the battle to save their land from the invading Roon. As they fly into the skies above the enemy’s warships – Caspan on his drake, Roland on his manticore and Sara on her pegasus – they have no idea whether they will survive this mission alive.

A chance encounter with a fleeing soldier could change everything, provided Caspan acts fast. Could Caspan’s new friend help to bring peace to Andalon? All will be revealed in the final battle.

Brotherhood of Thieves Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Brotherhood of Thieves
Reading level: 9+
Books in series: 3
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: myth & legend  fantasy  magic  action  adventure 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   The Wardens  (2014)
2.   The Highlanders  (2015)
3.   The Final Battle  (2016)