
by Rich Wallace (Author)

Book Cover for Curveball

   Book 9   
Pages: 128

The pressures of being an undercover reporter are getting to Eddie Ventura. No one on his baseball team has realized that he is the anonymous writer behind all the great new coverage their team has been getting from their school newspaper. The only problem is, not everyone is thrilled with the stories, or the uncanny way their secrets are being leaked to the press. Should Eddie quit writing for the school newspaper before his secret is uncovered?

Winning Season Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Winning Season
Reading level: 8+
Books in series: 10
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: sport  action  friendship  boys 

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Books in series order

1.   The Roar of the Crowd  (2004)
2.   Technical Foul  (2004)
3.   Fast Company  (2005)
4.   Double Fake  (2005)
5.   Emergency Quarterback  (2005)
6.   Southpaw  (2006)
7.   Dunk Under Pressure  (2006)
8.   Takedown  (2006)
9.   Curveball  (2007)
10.   Second String  (2007)