War Horse

by Michael Morpurgo (Author)

Book Cover for War Horse

   Book 1   
Pages: 182

Joey is a warhorse, but he wasn't always. Once, he was a farm horse and a gentle boy named Albert was his master. Then World War I came storming through and everything changed.

Albert's father sells Joey to the army where the beautiful, red-bay horse is trained to charge the enemy, drag heavy artillery, and carry wounded soldiers not much older than Albert off of battlefields. Amongst the clamoring of guns and slogging through the cold mud, Joey wonders if the war will ever end. And if it does, will he ever see Albert again?

Recognition: Runner-up for the Whitbread Award (1982)

War Horse Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: War Horse
Reading level: 10+
Books in series: 2
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: animal  horses & ponies  war  action  friendship  historical 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   War Horse  (1982)
2.   Farm Boy  (1997)