In the High Valley

by Susan Coolidge (Author)

Book Cover for In the High Valley

   Book 5   
Pages: 148

Lionel Young and his sister, Imogen, set out for the picturesque but remote High Valley in Colorado, leaving their hometown in Devonshire, England behind. Lionel wants to take the share in Geoffrey Templestowe’s cattle business. Imogen, owing to her prejudices against America and the American way of life, finds it hard to adjust to life over there.

Clover Templestowe, now happily married and living in the High Valley, at first finds it very trying to get on with Imogen. Many events ensue, in the course of which we meet again with Rose Red, get news from Cousin Helen and of course meet Katy again...

Katy Carr Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Katy Carr
Reading level: 9+
Books in series: 5
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: classic  historical  culture  family 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   What Katy Did  (1872)
2.   What Katy Did at School  (1873)
3.   What Katy Did Next  (1886)
4.   Clover  (1888)
5.   In the High Valley  (1890)