Maggie Stiefvater

Author's Comment: Oftentimes when I start a novel, I have no idea what a character looks like. I might not know if they work. I might not know if they live with both parents. I might not know their last name, exactly how old they are, whether they have a dog named Snookie or a hamster named Chainsaw. Of course, I'll figure these things out as I write, but before I start, the things I need to know inside and out about my characters are only the things that bring them into conflict with the plot and other characters. I need to know what they want out of life so I can deprive them of it. I need to know what their mortal flaw is so they can struggle to overcome it. I need to know who they love so I can turn that person into a wolf and laugh meanly. A lot of times, this has very little to do with eye color or whether or not they need to wear platform heels to meet the height requirements on a roller coaster.
Nationality: American
Featured series by Maggie Stiefvater
Books of Faerie - Age 12 & up
Raven Cycle - Age 12 & up
Wolves of Mercy Falls (Shiver) - Age 14 & up