Barry Deutsch

Aside from his political cartooning, Barry's current comics project is his series Hereville, a fantasy adventure comic about an 11-year-old Jewish girl. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon, in a bright blue house with bubble-gum-pink trim.
Author's Comment:
Where did the inspiration for Mirka come from?
Years before, I had played with an idea for a Jewish dragon-fighter in the middle ages—the barrier being that Jews were not always legally allowed to own swords. I abandoned that idea, but it was still swimming around in the back of my mind. I had also read Holy Days, Liz Harris' lovely book about Hasidic life, at some point years before.
My friend Jennifer Lee—creator of the astounding sci-fi comic Dicebox—told me that was looking for submissions of girl-centric comics. And somehow, from all the mess pooled up in the back of my mind, the idea of an 11-year-old Orthodox girl pining for a sword came up.
Nationality: American