Andrew Daddo

Andrew is also an accomplished author of more than twenty best-selling books for all ages – picture books, chapter books, short story collections, young adult novels and adult non-fiction. He writes each month for Australian Golf Digest and contributes regularly to Essential Kids,d Sydney Morning Herald and various travel magazines.
Over the past ten years he has spoken to literally hundreds of thousands of school children about the importance of literacy. Ned is his first book with Puffin, published as part of the Stuff Happens series.
Andrew lives on Sydney’s Northern Beaches with his wife Jacquie, three children – Felix, Anouk and Jasper – and their dog Spuds who loves to chase the chickens and chew socks.
Author's Comment:
Would you rather be on TV, Radio or writing books?
I really enjoy all three. Radio has been great fun and I haven’t really done it before – so anything new can be cool to do. TV is something that’s been my job since I was 19. Wow, that’s ages ago . . . and I love love love writing, even though I haven’t managed to do too much of it in the last couple of years.
Nationality: Australian