James Moloney

Photo of James Moloney
James Moloney has been writing for young people for more than twenty years. Once a teacher and a librarian, his thirty or so books – ranging in audience from seven to seventeen year-olds – have made him one of Australia's most respected authors.

James' award-winning books have been translated into French, Korean, Lithuanian and Flemish/Dutch, and include Kill the Possum, Lost Property, A Bridge to Wiseman's Cove, Touch Me, and The Book of Lies. James and his wife, Kate, live in Brisbane with their three children.

Author's Comment:
Did you read a lot when you were young?

No. I read as much as I can now but until I was about sixteen, I read very little. My mother tried to encourage me but I have never been a fast reader, so getting through a novel was difficult. I preferred information books, histories, accounts of actual events - that sort of thing. The only novels I did read were those set for school. However, in upper secondary school, I liked these books. Studying them let me see the artistry of the writer and I became interested in both reading and writing at that point.

The books that really got me going were a few that my parents took with us on holidays. Bored and away from my usual haunts, I took up reading – and loved it!

Nationality: Australian

Featured series by James Moloney

Do You Dare? - Age 8 & up