Gemma Malley

The Declaration, her first novel for a teenage audience, and its sequel, The Resistance, were published to critical acclaim. She lives in South London.
Author's Comment: Q: What are your favourite children’s books and why?
A: It’s difficult to come up with favourites because different books were important to me at different times—I loved Enid Blyton and CS Lewis when I was younger; adored Harry Potter as soon as I read the first chapter of the first book; was completely blown away by Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy, and was utterly gripped by Jennifer Donnelly’s A Gathering Light. I think the most important thing in a children’s book is a wonderful story, one that can completely transport you. That’s why I loved reading when I was younger (and why I continue to love it now) – because every time you pull back a cover, you start a new adventure.
Nationality: British