Shamini Flint

Shamini began her writing career with the series of Sasha books, a series of picture travel books about a little girl named Sasha visiting places in Asia. Her main aim in writing these books was so that her own daughter (Sasha!) would feel comfortable in her own environment and feel a sense of belonging in her own backyard. About the same time, Shamini caught the environmental bug and began to write books (printed on recycled paper) about endangered species and do a lot of school visits to talk to kids about environmental issues. Her environmentally-themed books include the picture books Turtle Takes a Trip and Jungle Blues and a book for young adults which she characterises as an environmental fantasy, The Seeds of Time! She also writes crime fiction for adults featuring the rotund Singaporean policeman, Inspector Singh.
Author's Comment:
Q: What makes you happy?
A: Watching my children play soccer or rugby or cricket or taekwondo. I always persuade them to take up whichever sport I feel like writing about!
Q: What is the key thing you’d like your young readers to gain from the Diary Books?
A: That’s its really ok to be rubbish at stuff as long as you always try your best and have some fun.
Nationality: Malaysian