S.D. Gentill

Whilst Sulari maintains that she is nowhere near old enough for a mid-life crisis, she did begin turning down legal positions several years ago, so that she could write. Since then, Sulari has published four independent adult novels and two young adult fantasy books. In 2009 she was long-listed in the QWC Hachette Livre Manuscript Development Program and offered a Varuna Fellowship. She was later employed by Pantera Press as a resident author.
Sulari lives and writes on a small farm in the Snowy Mountains of NSW, where she grows French Black Truffles, breeds miniature cattle and raises two wild colonial boys. Most of her time is now happily devoted to researching and writing. She enjoys painting, dogs and ginger ice-cream. She could probably still draft you a contract...but you might find it has a plot...and perhaps a twist or two.
Author's Comment: I've always had a real passion for Greek mythology. Homer's The Illiad and The Odyssey are at the foundations of Western literature and aside from that they're beautiful. One of the things I most love about Greek mythology is that there are so many stories within stories. What I set out to do with Chasing Odysseus was to write a story within The Odyssey. In some ways that is the common thread with all my writing...I write stories within stories or within history.
Nationality: Australian