Brett Helquist

When Brett was 11 years old his family moved to Utah where he discovered a love for camping, fishing, and hiking. He wanted to become a scientist and began college as an engineering major, but before long realized that it wasn't the right choice for him. While spending some time in Taiwan, he stumbled into a job as a textbook illustrator, and suddenly it was clear what he wanted to do.
Brett now lives in New York City with his wife. His illustrations have appeared in novels including Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events,' picture books, magazines, and newspapers. He has also written and illustrated 'Roger, the Jolly Pirate,' a picture book about a lousy pirate who manages to save his ship from attack while baking a cake.
Author's Comment: As an artist, I am always observing, trying to find the beautiful and amazing things around me.
Nationality: American