Todd McCaffrey

Todd spent a year at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, discovering there one of the great loves of his life: computers. Todd also spent time at college in Ireland, before joining the US Army in 1978 as an armored Reconnaissance Specialist (Scout). Upon leaving the US Army, he returned to college and graduated with Honours in 1985 from Trinity College, Dublin.
Having never lost his love for space, Todd left Ireland for Los Angeles, California in the hopes of working in the aerospace industry, but began working in computer programming instead. He continued to develop his love of space and all mechanical things th
Author's Comment: Q. What are some of your favorite books/authors?
Todd: Well, if I don't say Anne McCaffrey, I'll get hurt. :) Robert Heinlein; Roger Zelazny, particularly the Amber series and "Lord of Light"; Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy; J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series; Diane Duane, particularly her Wizardry series; David Weber's Honor Harrington series; Anything by Andre Norton; Poul Anderson; Harry Harrison, particularly the Stainless Steel Rat; James White's Hospital Station series; Lois Bujold's Barrayar books; C.S. Forester's Hornblower series; Winston Churchill's history of WWII; Tamora Pierce's Alanna series...and that's just off the top of my head.
Q. What did you want to be while you were growing up?
Todd: An astronaut.
Q. What is your favorite/least favorite job you ever had?
Todd: My favorite job was re-writing a tool from scratch in Java using UML for a defunct software company called Oxelis. My least favorite job was working as a QA engineer for a Countrywide Home Loans.
Nationality: Irish American