Anne McCaffrey

In 1950, Anne married Horace Johnson, who shared her interests in music, opera and ballet. They were married for 20 years and had three children: Alec, Todd, and Georgeanne. Except for a short time in Dusseldorf, the family lived for almost a decade in Delaware, moving to Long Island in 1965, when Anne became a full-time writer.
Anne's first novel, 'Restoree', was published in 1967. She wrote many books in her lifetime, including many series; however, she is best known for the fantasy, science fiction series, 'Dragonriders', written over four decades and comprising more than 20 novels. Among other roles, Anne served a term as secretary-treasurer o
Author's Comment: Q: In what major ways has publishing changed for women writers of [science fiction] in the last fifty odd years? It almost seems that, these days, there seems to be more women sf/fantasy writers making a good living out of writing than there are men.
Anne: There were always some, Andre Norton in particular, Katherine McLean, Judy Merrill, (Margaret St. Clair, Virginia Kidd) and another one who went into screen writing whose name I have forgotten. (She did the script to Red River.) I do believe that I helped get others published by example as women began to realize what a marvelous genre sf was. Now there is no more fooling around. A good story is a good story no matter who wrote it. And women could tackle gender stories that slick fiction would not handle. Pamela Sargent is a very good example of fine writing in the sf mode, so is Elizabeth Moon whose novel The Speed of Dark just won the Nebula. Kate Wilhelm, Ursula K LeGuin, Connie Willis are other sterling winners and the list is now fairly long of women writing specifically in the sf genre. I think that it's true; more women writers make a good living out of writing...whether they are married or single.
Nationality: Irish