Kate Hunter

Originally keen on journalism, her inclination to embellish the truth got in the way of a credible journalistic career. After twenty years as a copywriter, Kate still writes ads but prefers writing novels. She also works as a contributing editor for the popular website mamamia.com.au where she writes about everything from camping to raising children. She lives in Brisbane with her husband, their three kids, a dog, and – after rain – more than a few mosquitoes.
Author's Comment: Q: How did the idea for Mosquito Advertising come about?
A: Since leaving full-time work in advertising and spending more time with families and kids and 'regular' people, I began to wonder if making ads was really as challenging as it's made out to be. What would happen if we took out the research and the marketing managers and just made ads simply and with honesty and humour? At first I thought this would be a good idea for a TV reality show, and I pursued that for a while. Then it came to life as a book.
Nationality: Australia