The Hattie Series

by Kirby Larson (Author)

Book Cover for the Hattie Series
Reading level: Ages 12 and up
Books in series: 2
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: historical  realistic fiction  culture  war  family  nature 

After inheriting her uncle's homesteading claim in Montana, sixteen-year-old orphan Hattie Brooks travels from Iowa in 1917 to make a home for herself and encounters some unexpected problems related to the war being fought in Europe. What follows is an engaging duo of historical narratives filled with warmth and humour.

Lovingly stitched together from Kirby Larson's own family history, and the sights, sounds and scents of a homesteading life, this young pioneer's story celebrates the true spirit of independence. The series is bound to appeal to a variety of readers, but particularly those who found a kindred spirit in Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables) or Laura Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie). Hattie is a complex, brave and resourceful character and a wonderful literary heroine. Her story is all the richer for being based on that of Kirby Larson's own beloved grandmother.

Hattie Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Hattie Big Sky  (2006)
2. Hattie Ever After  (2013)