The Towers of Illica

by Emily Rodda (Author)

Book Cover for The Towers of Illica

   Book 3   
Pages: 176

The Star of Deltora is making for Illica, home of the mysterious Collectors. Ahead is the most important trade of Britta’s life – her last chance to defeat her rivals and win the Rosalyn Contest. She knows she should be thinking of nothing else. But she is in danger.

The ghostly shadows that haunt her are pressing closer. And though the terrors of Two Moons have been left behind, a cloud of fear still hangs over the Star like swamp mist.

Britta will need all her courage to face the shocking discoveries and twists of fate that lie in store for her among the ancient towers of Illica.

Star of Deltora Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Star of Deltora
Reading level: 9+
Books in series: 4
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: adventure  fantasy  magic  seafaring 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Shadows of the Master  (2015)
2.   Two Moons  (2015)
3.   The Towers of Illica  (2016)
4.   The Hungry Isle  (2016)