
by Prue Mason (Author) Lyn White (Series Editor)

Book Cover for Zafir

   Book 6   
Pages: 204

Zafir has a comfortable life in Homs in Syria with his doctor father and journalist mother. But everything changes after the Day of Rage when Father is arrested for helping some of the protesters campaigning for revolution in Syria. Then Mother is injured and their house is bombed. His cousin takes him in, but that too becomes dangerous as the city becomes more and more besieged. Can Zafir find his way back to his father alone?

Through My Eyes Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Through My Eyes
Reading level: 11+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: war  historical  culture  family  friendship  religion 

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Books in series order

1.   Shahana  (2013)
2.   Amina  (2013)
3.   Naveed  (2014)
4.   Emilio  (2014)
5.   Malini  (2014)
6.   Zafir  (2015)
7.   Hasina  (2019)