The Amelia Bedelia Series
by Herman Parish

Tags: adventure comedy & humour family first chapter books illustrated realistic fiction
Reading level: 6+
No. of books in series: 12
Should read in order? No

Series web site:

Books in this series:
1 Amelia Bedelia Means Business   2013
2 Amelia Bedelia Unleashed   2013
3 Amelia Bedelia Road Trip!   2013
4 Amelia Bedelia Goes Wild!   2014
5 Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up   2014
6 Amelia Bedelia Cleans Up   2015
7 Amelia Bedelia Sets Sail    2015
8 Amelia Bedelia Dances Off   2015
9 Amelia Bedelia on the Job   2016
10 Amelia Bedelia Ties the Knot   2016
11 Amelia Bedelia Makes a Splash   2017
12 Amelia Bedelia Digs In   2018