The Jake Maddox JV Series
by Jake Maddox

Tags: sport action adventure boys school friendship
Reading level: 9+
No. of books in series: 16
Should read in order? No

Books in this series:
1 Bad-Luck Basketball   2015
2 Gridiron Showdown   2015
3 Heavyweight Takedown   2015
4 Outfield Outcast   2015
5 Second-Chance Soccer   2015
6 Slap-Shot Slump   2015
7 Snowboard Hero   2015
8 Swimming the Distance   2015
9 BMX Bravery   2016
10 Skateboard Idol   2016
11 Paintball Boss   2016
12 Snowboard Struggle   2016
13 Soccer Stand-off   2016
14 Tae Kwon Do Clash   2016
15 Free Throw Fail   2017
16 Black and Rock   2017