The Penelope Perfect Series

by Chrissie Perry (Author)

Book Cover for the Penelope Perfect Series
Reading level: Ages 6 and up
Books in series: 6
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: first chapter books  realistic fiction  school  friendship  family 

Penelope Kingston wants to be perfect. And most of the time she is good, sensible and calm. But nobody is perfect, and sometimes Penelope is bossy, angry and frustrated. It's like – and this is very weird – there are two Penelopes inside her. She is never quite sure who is going to be stronger on any given day. There's one part of Penelope's life that is definitely not perfect: she doesn't have a best friend.

It was absolutely time that Penelope got a best friend of her own. It makes Penelope very anxious whenever they have to get into pairs at school. Everyone knows that being partners with the teacher means you are the odd one out. Penelope hopes that the new girl at school might be the one. But it's not easy finding a best friend, and it's not easy trying to be perfect. Sometimes, the best idea is to forget to try!