The Sporty Kids Series

by Felice Arena (Author) Tom Jellett (Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Sporty Kids Series
Reading level: Ages 6 and up
Books in series: 8
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: sport  comedy & humour  action  illustrated  first chapter books  realistic fiction 

Meet the Sporty Kids. Joe is awesome at footy. So why is handballing so hard? 
Emma is a swimming superstar. But can she learn to dive? 
Abby always wins at soccer. So why won’t Pete join her team? Stefan has winning racquet skills. But will he ever play a real game of tennis? 
Jessica is a basketball all-star. So why can’t she play without her lucky shoes? 
Luca never loses on the handball court. But can he beat the school’s Handball King?

Award-winning author of the Specky Magee series, Felice Arena, wrote the Sporty Kids books especially for kids who love sport – all of the stories are about playing fun games and making new friends. Plus, young readers will love the hilarious jokes, funny facts and cool skills they learn along the way!

Sporty Kids Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Sporty Kids: Footy!  (2015)
2. Sporty Kids: Swimming!  (2015)
3. Sporty Kids: Soccer!  (2015)
4. Sporty Kids: Tennis!  (2015)
5. Sporty Kids: Basketball!  (2016)
6. Sporty Kids: Handball!  (2016)
7. Sporty Kids: Netball!  (2016)
8. Sporty Kids: Cricket!  (2016)