The Caddy Kids Series

by N J Gemmell (Author)

Book Cover for the Caddy Kids Series
Reading level: Ages 9 and up
Books in series: 3
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: historical  adventure  family  friendship  comedy & humour  culture 

The Caddy Kids are four wilful children from outback Australia. When their father, an heroic adventurer, goes missing, the authorities ship the kids off to London. Here they are hurled into the weird home of their uncle Basti, the Kensington Reptilarium, home to hundreds of snakes. Uncle Basti is none too pleased by the intrusion of his grubby relatives. But, thanks to the snakes, he is facing the outrage of his neighbours and the Caddy Kids turn out to be resourceful allies.

Caddy Kids Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. The Kensington Reptilarium  (2013)
2. The Icicle Illuminarium  (2014)
3. The Luna Laboratorium  (2015)