The Big Nate Series

by Lincoln Peirce (Author)

Book Cover for the Big Nate Series
Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Books in series: 12
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: comedy & humour  cartoon  friendship  illustrated  school  family  graphic novel 

Nate knows he's meant for big things. REALLY big things.

But life doesn't always go your way just because you're awesome.

Trouble always seems to find him, but Nate keeps his cool no matter what.

He knows he's great. A fortune cookie told him so.

For fans of the hilarious Diary of a Wimpy Kid series: Here comes Big Nate, accidental mischief maker and definitely NOT the teacher's pet.

Big Nate Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Big Nate in a Class by Himself  (2010)
2. Big Nate Strikes Again  (2010)
3. Big Nate on a Roll  (2009)
4. Big Nate Goes for Broke  (224)
5. Big Nate Flips Out  (2013)
6. Big Nate in the Zone  (2014)
7. Big Nate Lives It Up  (2015)
8. Big Nate Blasts Off  (2016)
+ Big Nate Boredom Buster  (2011)
+ From the Top  (2010)
+ Big Nate Out Loud  (2011)
+ Big Nate and Friends  (2011)