The Horrible Geography Series

by Anita Ganeri (Author)

Book Cover for the Horrible Geography Series
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Books in series: 19
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: science & tech (STEM)  illustrated  non fiction  comedy & humour  nature 

Geography has never been so horrible! 'Horrible Geography' is a series of books written by Anita Ganeri and illustrated by Mike Phillips, and is a spin-off from the 'Horrible Histories' series. The books are designed to be entertaining, with humorous cartoon illustrations, and encourage children's natural interest in the striking phenomena of the geographical world by concentrating on the trivial, unusual, gory, or unpleasant. In this series, you'll find out things like: what happens when a volcano turns nasty; whether you'd survive at the frozen poles; and how a frog can help you get a drink in the desert. From the perishing poles to desperate deserts, stormy weather to earth-shattering earthquakes, these books are crammed full of far-out facts. Geography with the gritty bits left in!

Horrible Geography Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Odious Oceans  (1999)
2. Stormy Weather  (1999)
3. Violent Volcanoes  (1999)
4. Earth-Shattering Earthquakes  (2000)
5. Desperate Deserts  (2000)
6. Raging Rivers  (2000)
7. Freaky Peaks  (2001)
8. Bloomin' Rainforests  (2001)
9. Perishing Poles  (2002)
10. Wild Islands  (2004)
11. Monster Lakes  (2005)
12. Cracking Coasts  (2006)
+ Intrepid Explorers  (2003)
+ The Horrible Geography of the World  (2007)
+ Wicked Weather (Handbook)  (2008)
+ Wild Animals (Handbook)  (2008)
+ Planet in Peril (Handbook)  (2009)
+ Vile Volcanoes (Handbook)  (2010)
+ Perilous Poles (Handbook)  (2010)