The Abhorsen (Old Kingdom) Series

by Garth Nix (Author)

Book Cover for the Abhorsen (Old Kingdom) Series
Reading level: Ages 13 and up
Books in series: 8
Read in order: Yes
Next book: Finished
Tags: fantasy  action  adventure  magic 

Only the Abhorsen can keep the living safe from the dead...

In this compelling high fantasy series, a young heroine, Sabriel, must first do battle in the realm of Death itself to defeat a powerful enemy. Every step she takes brings her closer to a battle that will pit her against the true forces of life and death – and bring her face-to-face with her own destiny. Later it is Lirael, with only her faithful companion, the Disreputable Dog, who must undertake a desperate mission under the growing shadow of an ancient evil, which threatens the fate of the Old Kingdom. Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the evil Destroyer and find the missing Abhorsen Sabriel and the King Touchstone - before it is too late.

Abhorsen (Old Kingdom) Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Sabriel  (1995)
2. Lirael  (2001)
3. Abhorsen  (2003)
4. Clariel  (2014)
5. Goldenhand  (2016)
+ Across the Wall  (2005)
+ The Creature in the Case  (2005)
+ To Hold the Bridge  (2015)