
by Gabrielle Lord (Author)

Book Cover for January

   Book 1   
Pages: 192

On New Year's Eve, Cal is chased down the street by a crazed man with a deadly warning: They killed your father. They'll kill you. You must survive the next 365 days! Forced into a life on the run, Cal finds himself hunted by ruthless criminals and the police. Somehow he must uncover the truth about his father's mysterious death and solve the Ormond Singularity, a secret from the past, before the year is up. But who can he turn to when the whole world seems to want him dead? The clock is ticking. Any second could be his last. Callum Ormond has been warned. He has 365 days.

Conspiracy 365 Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Conspiracy 365
Reading level: 11+
Books in series: 14
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: action  adventure  mystery 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   January  (2010)
2.   February  (2010)
3.   March  (2010)
4.   April  (2010)
5.   May  (2010)
6.   June  (2010)
7.   July  (2010)
8.   August  (2010)
9.   September  (2010)
10.   October  (2010)
11.   November  (2010)
12.   December  (2010)
13.   Revenge  (2011)
14.   Malice  (2012)