Way of the Wolf

by Bear Grylls (Author)

Book Cover for Way of the Wolf

   Book 2   
Pages: 320

MISSION: Survival
LOCATION: The Alaskan mountains
DANGERS: Blizzards; grizzly bears; white-water rapids.

Beck Granger and his anthropologist uncle are on their way to visit Anakat Village, home to one of the native peoples of Alaska, when their tiny plane crashes in the Alaskan wilderness. With his uncle badly injured and the plane way off its original flight path, Beck realises he can't wait around for rescue. He needs to get help - and fast!

Together with his new friend, Tikaani, Beck sets off through bear country and up towards the mountains that block his way to civilisation. Can Beck keep himself and Tikaani alive as they ford a dangerous river, find food to keep their strength up and dig a snow cave in which to weather an ice storm? A tense and exciting struggle for survival with real survival details and gruesome tips!

Mission Survival Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Mission Survival
Reading level: 9+
Books in series: 8
Read in order? No
Next release: Finished
Tags: adventure  action  nature  sport  animal 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Gold of the Gods  (2008)
2.   Way of the Wolf  (2009)
3.   Sands of the Scorpion  (2009)
4.   Tracks of the Tiger  (2010)
5.   Claws of the Crocodile  (2013)
6.   Strike of the Shark  (2013)
7.   Rage of the Rhino  (2014)
8.   Lair of the Leopard  (2015)