
by Gabrielle Lord (Author)

Book Cover for Endgame

   Book 3   
Pages: 179

Shadow Island's volcano is erupting and Cal and Ryan are trapped on the island with the evil Damien Thoroughgood, who will stop at nothing to fulfil his deadly plan. After surviving in the jungle and outwitting his enemy for so long, Cal risks losing his brother and everything he's worked towards.

Will Cal agree to a criminal mission to save his brother's life? Or will he stop Damien from unleashing earth-shattering evil? Cal is running out of time to save the world.

The clock is ticking. Any second could be his last.

Conspiracy 365: Black Ops Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Conspiracy 365: Black Ops
Reading level: 11+
Books in series: 3
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: action  adventure  mystery  spy 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Missing  (2013)
2.   Hunted  (2013)
3.   Endgame  (2013)