The Eternal War

by Alex Scarrow (Author)

Book Cover for The Eternal War

   Book 4   
Pages: 448

A time wave has struck that alters the entire history of the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln has followed Liam into the present from 1831 - and now the world is in a dangerous state of limbo...

If the TimeRiders can't return Lincoln to the past, the Civil War will never end. Can Maddy persuade two colonels on either side of no man's land to cease fire long enough to save the future?

Time Riders Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Time Riders
Reading level: 8+
Books in series: 9
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: action  fantasy  historical  science fiction  mystery  time travel 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   TimeRiders  (2010)
2.   Day of the Predator  (2010)
3.   The Doomsday Code  (2011)
4.   The Eternal War  (2011)
5.   Gates of Rome  (2012)
6.   City of Shadows  (2012)
7.   The Pirate Kings  (2013)
8.   The Mayan Prophecy  (2013)
9.   The Infinity Cage  (2014)