The Killing

by Robert Muchamore (Author)

Book Cover for The Killing

   Book 4   
Pages: 306

Leon is a small time crook who's ridden his luck for three decades. When he starts splashing big money around, the cops are desperate to know where it came from.

James' latest mission looks routine: make friends with Leon's kids, infiltrate his home and dig up some leads.

But the plot James begins to unravel isn't what anyone expected. And the only person who might know the truth is an eighteen-year-old boy. There's just one problem. The boy fell to his death thirteen months earlier...

Cherub Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Cherub
Reading level: 14+
Books in series: 13
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: spy  action  adventure  mystery  crime 

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Books in series order

1.   The Recruit  (2004)
2.   Class A  (2004)
3.   Maximum Security  (2005)
4.   The Killing  (2005)
5.   Divine Madness  (2006)
6.   Man vs. Beast  (2006)
7.   The Fall  (2007)
8.   Mad Dogs  (2007)
9.   The Sleepwalker  (2008)
10.   The General  (2008)
11.   Brigands M.C.  (2009)
12.   Shadow Wave  (2010)
+   Dark Sun  (2008)