Luke Pearson

Photo of Luke Pearson
Luke Pearson is an illustrator and cartoonist based in the United Kingdom. He draws comics and does various kinds of illustration work, including illustration for magazines and newspapers, book covers, poster design and development work for animation. He has also written and storyboarded a number of episodes of the tv series Adventure Time. Luke is also the creator of the Hildafolk series of comics.

Author's Comment:

What inspires and informs your work?

Visually, I take inspiration from classic animation art, old book covers, alt comics and the massive amount of great illustrators and cartoonists I’ve discovered over the last few years. I look at a broad range of stuff that I strive to learn from or capture the essence of, but generally everything comes back to a desire for appealing cartooniness, clean lines, strong shapes and distinctive colour schemes. My ideas sometimes come from an urge to capture a warmness or a pleasant feeling, while some of my more downbeat or miserable ideas come from intensely scrutinising my own navel and trying to expand on the observations.

Nationality: British

Featured series by Luke Pearson

Hilda - Age 7 & up