Siobhan Vivian

Photo of Siobhan Vivian
Siobhan Vivian was born in New York City on January 12, 1979. She grew up in Rutherford, New Jersey, where she got into trouble for such things as constantly talking out of turn, bringing a stray dog into school in a stolen shopping cart, passing notes to her friends, telling jokes, sneaking out, and not doing her homework.

Siobhan attended The University of the Arts, where she graduated with a degree in Writing for Film and Television. She received her MFA in Creative Writing: Children’s Literature from The New School University. Siobhan has worked as an editor of several  novels at Alloy Entertainment, a scriptwriter for The Disney Channel, and she currently teaches Writing Youth Literature at the University of Pittsburgh.

Author's Comment: I hate books where it feels like you are being browbeaten with a “message” or a “lesson” from the author. I’m sure it’s mostly well-meaning, but doling out advice for girls in a One Size Fits All way is not helpful. For me, it’s more about creating empathy over communicating a message. If I can get a girl to learn, understand and empathize with something or someone outside of her own personal experience, then I’m doing my job.

Nationality: American

Featured series by Siobhan Vivian

Burn for Burn - Age 14 & up