Elizabeth Pulford

Photo of Elizabeth Pulford
Elizabeth Pulford was born in Hamilton, Canada, but was brought up in New Zealand from the age of two. She began writing in her early 40s. Since then her publications have included articles, poetry, short stories in newspapers, magazines and on the radio. Many of her adult short stories have won national competitions. Her children’s books range from early readers through to YA novels—three of which have been finalists for the New Zealand Post Book Awards for Children & Young Adults. Elizabeth has always loved books. In fact some of her best friends are books and she couldn’t imagine life without them.

Author's Comment: Deep down I think I knew I wanted to be a writer, but lacking the confidence I simply chose to avoid it. However, on turning forty a light pinged in my head. It showed me to get on with my 'real' passion, no excuses. So with great trepidation I went to a creative writing class once a week on a Monday evening for eight weeks.

It was the catalyst that I needed.

Nationality: New Zealand

Featured series by Elizabeth Pulford

Bloodtree Chronicles - Age 8 & up