Atticus Claw Learns to Draw

by Jennifer Gray (Author)

Book Cover for Atticus Claw Learns to Draw

   Book 5   
Pages: 224

Famous works of art are going missing. Atticus is on the case. The prime suspect is Ricardo Butteredsconi – Italian theme park entrepreneur and art connoisseur. Then Inspector Cheddar goes missing from the Tate Modern, and Atticus and his friends suspect Butteredsconi and his evil pet pig. In the scariest adventure of his nine lives, Atticus has to act fast if he wants to stop Inspector cheddar becoming a waxwork!

Atticus Claw: World's Greatest Cat Detective Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Atticus Claw: World's Greatest Cat Detective
Reading level: 7+
Books in series: 7
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: animal  adventure  mystery  crime  comedy & humour 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Atticus Claw Breaks the Law  (2012)
2.   Atticus Claw Settles a Score  (2013)
3.   Atticus Claw Lends a Paw  (2013)
4.   Atticus Claw Goes Ashore  (2014)
5.   Atticus Claw Learns to Draw  (2014)
6.   Atticus Claw on the Misty Moor  (2016)
7.   Atticus Claw Hears a Roar  (2016)